Owner’s obligations
- Enroll in the register of owners and operators of heavy vehicles;
- Register his vehicles;
- Maintain vehicles in good mechanical condition;
- Repair mechanical defects reported to him;
- Respect the maintenance programs;
- Keep the documents necessary to establish the vehicle file;
- Submit his vehicles to periodic mechanical inspection;
- Respect the authorized dimensions for vehicles;
- Entrust his vehicles only to an operator enrolled in the register;
- Comply with any other obligations relating to the ownership of the vehicle.
PENLESS helps you:
- Document the repairs of mechanical defects that are reported to you
- Keep the documents necessary to establish the vehicle file

The driver’s obligations
- Respect the provisions of the Highway Safety Code as well as the regulations on the following subjects:
- Driving an off-duty tme of heavy vehicle drivers;
- Circle check inspection;
- Load and dimension standards;
- Securing standards;
- Transportation of hazardous materials;
- Special circulation permits;
- Road traffic signs and rules.
PENLESS helps you:
- The driving and off-duty time of heavy vehicle drivers
- The circle check inspection

The obligations of the operator
- Enroll in the register of owners and operators of heavy vehicles;
- Ensure:
- The validity of the driver’s license;
- The skill and good behavior of the driver;
- Vehicle’s circle check inspection;
- Compliance with standards relating to the use of vehicles;
- Compliance with the rules relating to the transport of persons;
- The preservation of the documents necessary for the establishment of the driver’s file;
- Compliance with the Regulations respecting the requirements applicable to bills of lading documents, when they apply;
- Compliance with the Regulations respecting the requirements applicable to shipping documents, when they apply.
PENLESS helps you:
- Make sure the vehicle’s circle check inspection is completed
- Ensure that the documents necessary for establishing the driver’s file are kept

Issues related to circle check inspections
Vehicles subject to a circle check inspection
- Road vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 4,500 kg or more;
- Group of road vehicles of which at least one of the vehicles has a GVWR of 4,500 kg or more. For example:
- Pick-up type truck with a GVWR of less than 4,500 kg hitched to a semi-trailer with a GVWR of 4,500 kg or more;
- Pick-up type truck with a GVWR of 4,500 kg or more hitched to a semi-trailer with a GVWR of less than 4,500 kg;
- Pick-up type truck with a GVWR of 4,500 kg or more hitched to a semi-trailer with a GVWR of 4,500 kg or more (each of the vehicles in the set has a GVWR of 4,500 kg or more).
- Buses, minibuses and tow trucks (regardless of their GVWR);
- Road vehicles with a GVWR of less than 4,500 kg transporting dangerous materials requiring the application of safety marks.
Vehicles exempt from a circle check inspection
- Tool vehicles (graders, loaders, back hoes);
- Heavy vehicles required by an emergency service or in the event of a disaster;
- Farm tractors;
- Farm machinery (e.g. combine-harvesters);
- Farm trailers (e.g. a hay trailer owned by a farmer and used for farming purposes);
- Heavy vehicles used by a natural person for personal ends;
- Straight-body trucks with two or three axles used to:
- Transport unprocessed farm, forest or fishery products, provided the driver is also the producer
- Make the return trip, provided the truck is either empty or used to transport products mainly used in the operation of a farm, forest or fishery.
PENLESS ROAD SAFETY offers a simple, swift and powerful paperless, PENLESS and painless solution for operators of heavy vehicles subject to daily circle check inspections.
Circle check inspection requirements
- Availability of a valid circle check inspection (less than 24 hours), up to date and readable at all times in the vehicle;
- Possibility of sharing the circle check inspection from the vehicle at all times;
- Availability of the list of defects (codes and descriptions) in the vehicle at all times;
- Possibility of accepting (or refusing) a valid circle check inspection made by a designated person or by the previous driver;
- Transmission of the circle check inspection to the operator no later than 20 days after its expiry;
- Ability to add operator-specific verifications;
- Verification and correction of defects reported on circle check inspections no later than 48 hours after their expiration;
- Sharing of defects with the vehicle owner within 48 hours, if applicable;
- Recording of the corrections made;
- Integrity of odometer readings;
- Sharing of all circle check inspections with the vehicle owner, if applicable, every 30 days;
- Preservation of circle check inspections for a period of 6 months;
- Preservation of circle check inspections that required repair for a period of 1 year;
- Sharing, as needed, circle check inspections with the SAAQ.
With PENLESS, face these challenges in a fully automated way, paperless, PENLESS and painless!
Examples of fines
- No circle check inspection: $350 to $1,050
- Not doing the circle check inspection according to the standards: $350 to $1,050
- Allowing a heavy vehicle to be driven without the circle check inspection having been carried out: $700 to $2,100
- Letting a heavy vehicle be driven without the circle check inspection being on board: $700 to $2,100
Useful links
- Highway Safety Code (Q.R.S. chapter C-24-2)
- Ministerial Order concerning access to the driving of heavy vehicles Highway Safety Code (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 0.1.1)
- Ministerial Order concerning the approval of weigh scales (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 4)
- Ministerial Order concerning driving of buses on certain autoroute shoulders (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 6.02)
- Regulation respecting an agreement between the Gouvernement du Québec and the Government of the State of New York respecting the mechanical inspection of buses (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 19)
- Regulation respecting the hours of driving and rest of heavy vehicle drivers (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 28)
- Cargo Securement Standards Regulation (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 30)
- Vehicle Load and Size Limits Regulation (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 31)
- Regulation respecting safety standards for road vehicles (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 32)
- Regulation designating level crossings where drivers of certain road vehicles are exempt from the obligation to stop their vehicle (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 33)
- Regulation respecting special permits (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 35)
- Special Road Train Operating Permits Regulation (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 36)
- Autonomous Bus and Minibus Pilot Project (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 37.01)
- Transportation of Dangerous Substances Regulation (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 43)
- Ministerial Order concerning use of flexible folding aerodynamic systems for road vehicles (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 43.1)
- Regulation respecting the use of non-skid devices on the tires of certain road vehicles (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 44)
- Ministerial Order concerning heavy vehicles whose speed limiter must be activated and set at a maximum speed of 105 km/h (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 50)
- Regulation respecting road vehicles adapted for the transportation of handicapped persons (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 51)
- Act Respecting Owners, Operators and Drivers of Heavy Vehicles (Q.R.S. chapter P-30.3)
- Regulation respecting the Act respecting owners, operators, and drivers of heavy vehicles (Q.R.S. chapter P-30.3, r. 1)
- Obligations of Heavy Vehicle Users
- Driving and Off-Duty Time for Heavy Vehicle Drivers
- Driving and Off-Duty Time for Heavy Vehicle Drivers – Fact sheet
- Road Vehicle Mechanical Inspection Guide
- Circle Check Guide
- Heavy Vehicles – Heavy consequences – Évitez la fatigue (2016-2018 SAAQ Campaign) in French
- Heavy Vehicles – Heavy Consequences – Attachez-vous en tout temps (2016-2018 SAAQ Campaign) in French
- Heavy Vehicles – Heavy Consequences – Limitez les distractions (2016-2018 SAAQ Campaign) in French
- Heavy Vehicles – Heavy Consequences – Adaptez votre conduite (2016-2018 SAAQ Campaign) in French
- S.A.A.Q.s LE RELAYEUR newsletter (in French)
Issues related to driving and off-duty time registers
Last 14 days
- Regardless of the cycle, the driver must have taken at least 24 consecutive hours of rest during the last 14 days.
Cycle 1 (7 days)
- Prohibited from driving after having accumulated 70 hours of work during a period of 7 consecutive days.
Cycle 2 (14 days)
- Prohibited from driving after having accumulated 120 hours of work during a period of 14 consecutive days;
- Prohibition of driving after having accumulated 70 hours of work without having taken 24 consecutive hours of rest.
Change of cycle (reset)
- Cycle 1: take at least 36 consecutive hours of rest;
- Cycle 2: take at least 72 consecutive hours of rest.
Work shift:
- Period between two periods of at least 8 consecutive hours of rest
- Prohibition of driving if since the start of the shift:
- 13 hours of driving have been accumulated;
- 14 hours of work have accumulated;
- 16 hours have passed.
- 24-hour period beginning at the time designated by the operator;
- The driver must take at least 10 hours of rest during a day:
- At least 2 of these hours must not be part of the 8 consecutive hours of rest;
- These 2 hours can be divided into breaks of a minimum duration of 30 minutes each.
- Driving prohibited if, since the beginning of the day:
- 13 hours of driving have been accumulated;
- 14 hours of work have accumulated.
Combination of shift and day requirements:
- The start time of the day remains the same throughout the cycle;
- Shift start times may vary.
PENLESS ROAD SAFETY offers a simple, swift and powerful paperless, PENLESS and painless solution to heavy vehicle operators and drivers meeting the conditions for not having to complete the daily log.
DETAILED register’s terms of use
- Traffic within a radius of 160 km from the home terminal;
- Return to the home terminal each day to begin a period of at least 8 consecutive off-duty hours;
- The vehicle being driven is not covered by a permit to derogate from the driving and off-duty time.
Additional terms of use for the SHORTENED register
- The shift begins and ends on the same day;
- The duration of the shift is 13 hours or less;
- The duration of the off-duty period before and after the shift is at least 11 consecutive hours.
Content of detailed registers for each day
- Activities carried out by the driver (driving, on-duty, off-duty);
- The cycle followed;
- The start and end time of each activity as well as the total hours devoted to each of them;
- The reasons, if any, for overtime or postponement of off-duty time.
With PENLESS, face these challenges in a fully automated way, paperless, PENLESS and painless!
Content of shortened registers for each day
If the following additional conditions are met (permitted in Quebec only):
- The date and start time of the day (if it is not midnight);
- The cycle followed;
- The start and end time of the shift as well as the total number of on-duty hours (driving and non-driving work) during the day;
Les raisons, le cas échéant, d’un dépassement d’heure ou d’un report d’heures de repos.
With PENLESS, face these challenges in a fully automated way, paperless, PENLESS and painless!
Documents to keep on board the vehicle
- A copy of the daily logs for the previous 14 days;
- A copy of the detailed or shortened registers for the previous 14 days;
- A copy of the detailed or shortened register for the current day, completed up to the time of the last change in activity;
- The form for the current day, completed up to the time of the last change of activity.
With PENLESS, face these challenges in a fully automated way, paperless, PENLESS and painless!
Transmission, storage and sharing of documents
- Transmission of driving and off-duty time records and circle check inspections by the driver to the operator within 20 days;
- Deposit/storage by the operator at his establishment within 30 days of receipt;
- Retention of records of hours of driving and off-duty time records and circle check inspections for a period of 6 months;
- Retention of proof of correction of defects for a period of 12 months;
- Sharing, as needed, driving and off-duty time records and circle check inspections with the SAAQ.
With PENLESS, face these challenges in a fully automated way, paperless, PENLESS and painless!
Examples of fines
- Failing to keep his file or not entering all the information: $350 to $1,050
- Failure to respect driving, off-duty or on-duty hours: $350 to $1,050
- Not ensuring that the driver fills out his form: $700 to $2,100
- Failure to ensure compliance with driving hours: $700 to $2,100
Useful links
- Highway Safety Code (Q.R.S. chapter C-24-2)
- Ministerial Order concerning access to the driving of heavy vehicles Highway Safety Code (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 0.1.1)
- Ministerial Order concerning the approval of weigh scales (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 4)
- Ministerial Order concerning driving of buses on certain autoroute shoulders (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 6.02)
- Regulation respecting an agreement between the Gouvernement du Québec and the Government of the State of New York respecting the mechanical inspection of buses (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 19)
- Regulation respecting the hours of driving and rest of heavy vehicle drivers (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 28)
- Cargo Securement Standards Regulation (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 30)
- Vehicle Load and Size Limits Regulation (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 31)
- Regulation respecting safety standards for road vehicles (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 32)
- Regulation designating level crossings where drivers of certain road vehicles are exempt from the obligation to stop their vehicle (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 33)
- Regulation respecting special permits (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 35)
- Special Road Train Operating Permits Regulation (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 36)
- Autonomous Bus and Minibus Pilot Project (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 37.01)
- Transportation of Dangerous Substances Regulation (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 43)
- Ministerial Order concerning use of flexible folding aerodynamic systems for road vehicles (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 43.1)
- Regulation respecting the use of non-skid devices on the tires of certain road vehicles (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 44)
- Ministerial Order concerning heavy vehicles whose speed limiter must be activated and set at a maximum speed of 105 km/h (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 50)
- Regulation respecting road vehicles adapted for the transportation of handicapped persons (Q.R.S. chapter C-24.2, r. 51)
- Act Respecting Owners, Operators and Drivers of Heavy Vehicles (Q.R.S. chapter P-30.3)
- Regulation respecting the Act respecting owners, operators, and drivers of heavy vehicles (Q.R.S. chapter P-30.3, r. 1)
- Obligations of Heavy Vehicle Users
- Driving and Off-Duty Time for Heavy Vehicle Drivers
- Driving and Off-Duty Time for Heavy Vehicle Drivers – Fact sheet
- Road Vehicle Mechanical Inspection Guide
- Circle Check Guide
- Heavy Vehicles – Heavy consequences – Évitez la fatigue (2016-2018 SAAQ Campaign) in French
- Heavy Vehicles – Heavy Consequences – Attachez-vous en tout temps (2016-2018 SAAQ Campaign) in French
- Heavy Vehicles – Heavy Consequences – Limitez les distractions (2016-2018 SAAQ Campaign) in French
- Heavy Vehicles – Heavy Consequences – Adaptez votre conduite (2016-2018 SAAQ Campaign) in French
- S.A.A.Q.s LE RELAYEUR newsletter (in French)